One of our ways to build up our pool of competent mariners is by keeping partnerships with maritime universities and colleges, and by offering scholarships to their most proficient and able students.
The students undergo a series of exams and interviews under the supervision of our Vice President and COO and the Superintendents from our Marine and Technical Departments. Those who pass are offered academic scholarships and a chance to spend their cadetship with us and be onboard our manned-vessels. The chosen candidates, however, must maintain certain grades and an above-average academic standing. With this academic scholarship, we shoulder a monthly cost for each In line with our vision to provide professional, efficient and personalized marine services, we, at MANSHIP, offer a cadetship program for our scholars and qualified graduates/cadets of any maritime school. The selection process of the qualified graduates or cadets who are not part of the scholarship program includes examinations and interviews. Upon selection, the cadets have to work at our office until they are deemed ready for a life at sea. This may take around 6 months to a year, depending on the cadet’s performance during his tenure at the office.
This program is developed in such a way that the cadets will learn the basics of becoming competent and trustworthy mariners. During their tenure, they are assigned to work with our different departments with the aim of not only to develop their skills but also to enhance their character, sense of duty and professionalism.